with e Unix like telnet daemon. In the Unix world the daemon interprets
some special key codes. It can work in RAW or COOKED mode, where
takes place and so forth. When the telnet daemon receives a Ctrl-C it
what causes it to terminate. In RAW mode the characters are sent
somehow. To control such daemons you will find a huge termio library
(in Unix systems).
In this vocabulary the Windows CE telnet service is always in raw mode.
sends any signal.
Nothing is assured. If it's a console program and if it's waiting at
a console I/O routine at the time that you press Ctrl+c, then I think
it should exit. There's no magic in Ctrl+c, however. It's not going
to terminate some long-running network I/O that your program might be
doing or stop file I/O because Ctrl+c occurred. It won't terminate a
program that doesn't check for it.
If it were me, I'd verify that Ctrl+c is getting sent by
Hyperterminal (you could do a capture of the text sent to your PC on
another port from Hyperterminal and then read the text file with a
binary editor to see what ASCII code is where you pressed Ctrl+c; it
should be 0x03, of course). If that all seems fine, I'd write a
simple console program that uses whatever I/O function you're using
to read the incoming key data (getch() or whatever), and see if that
exits. I'd probably also try Ctrl+c, Enter, if just Ctrl+c by itself
didn't work.
Paul T.
On Aug 11, 11:29 am, "Paul G. Tobey [eMVP]" <p space tobey no spam AT
I think that it *is* sending Ctrl+C. It might depend on how
is configured, but I think that ANSI or TTY configuration should be sending
precisely the character that you are typing. What makes you say that it's
not sending the right character?
Paul T.
Post by c***@gmail.comI have a command prompt session running via my debug machine (PC) and
my windows ce embedded board. I have a hyperterminal session running
and I want to send a ctrl+c command from the hyperterminal, how would
i do that. When I press ctrl+c in the hyperterminal window is displays
some odd character but I don't think it is sending a ctrl+c command
over to the embedder side.
Thanks- Hide quoted text -
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Well just that I thought ctrl+c would end any application launched
from the cmd window that is running remotely from the device to the
hyperterminal- Hide quoted text -