Steve French
2009-02-12 16:40:05 UTC
I am developing a Win32 application for a Windows CE 6.0 device (ARMv4i). The
code is written in Visual C++ (compiled as C code) on VS2005.
The software builds & deploys OK to the target device. I get a copy of my
exe in the Program Files folder.
However, when I go to debug, I get an error message as follows:
"Unable to start program '%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\< exe path\name>' No process
is on the other end of the pipe"
In the project Property Pages->Configuration
Properties->Deployment->Deployment Device, I have set this to both:
Windows CE 5.0 device
<target SDK> Device
From revieweing other threads on the internet, I have also checked that the
Runtime Library is correctly set to "Multithreaded Debug /MTd".
Any thoughts/ideas/advice?
Best Regards,
code is written in Visual C++ (compiled as C code) on VS2005.
The software builds & deploys OK to the target device. I get a copy of my
exe in the Program Files folder.
However, when I go to debug, I get an error message as follows:
"Unable to start program '%CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES%\< exe path\name>' No process
is on the other end of the pipe"
In the project Property Pages->Configuration
Properties->Deployment->Deployment Device, I have set this to both:
Windows CE 5.0 device
<target SDK> Device
From revieweing other threads on the internet, I have also checked that the
Runtime Library is correctly set to "Multithreaded Debug /MTd".
Any thoughts/ideas/advice?
Best Regards,
Steve French.
Senior Engineer
MSI Norwich, UK
Steve French.
Senior Engineer
MSI Norwich, UK